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Monday, August 25, 2014

10 Reasons Why We Love Make Over Ultra Cover Liquid Matte Foundation

Last week I took a beauty class held by Make Over. My aim was basically to prove myself that I already know the basic theory in applying make up. After the class, I bought the foundation that I used during the tutorial since the shade perfectly matched my skin. It's quite unusual because It used to be difficult for me to find the right shade from local product.

I will only do the mini review this time, on why I consider this foundation as my new HG. Yes, for acne-prone medium combination, this foundation could do almost everything just like what we expect the high end foundies to provide.

10 reasons why we love Make Over Ultra Cover Liquid Matte Foundation:

1. Hello, highschool girls! With 119,000 IDR price tag, you can get the 'real' foundation instead of just tinted moisturizer or bb cream.

2. The coverage, wow. 2 layers and I would say goodbye to my concealer. It covers each imperfection - redness, pores, acne scars, discoloration, you name it.

3. The finish is matte but not flat. I would say, semi-matte with dewy finish at the end of day.

4. It stays for decent time, around 6-8 hours, depending on the humidity and weather. 

5. The color selections are great! It offers 8 shades which is very rare to find for local products. It is ranging from pale to tanned and dark skin, with neutral, pinkish and yellowish undertone. For reference, I am matched with no. 04 Amber Rose, it is suitable for medium skin with neutral undertone. For Indonesian ladies, no. 3 and no. 5 are much yellower and may suits you the most.

6. The oil control is also very decent. It clearly makes my super oily skin looks fine until lunch time.

7. It comes with pump and meets the hygiene requirements. Yes, at this point, it is way better than Revlon Colorstay.

8. It doesn't oxidize nor leaves a white cast. Super yay!

9. Seriously, it doesn't smudge easily. Unless you rub your face with cloth after washing. But after 2 times pray during the day, it still looks OK even without touch up.

10. For the sensitive nose, this product doesn't have any noticeable fragrants. It may smell like a normal foundation, but very subtle, without being to waxy or perfume-y. 

See you in my next review. Happy weekend, all! ~xoxo~


  1. horeee selamat kamu baru saja meracuniku mendadak jadi pengen beli juga :D

    1. hahaha, kalau ngeracunin barang bagus dan memuaskan, gak dosa loh malah jadi pahala :)

  2. aaahh beneran jadi pengen nih intan hihih,,emank udah lama ngincer pallete ini,,nice review
    eh kok bisa ikutan makeup class nya makeover?

    1. hai Put, kelas make over dibuka untuk umum kok, coba tanya M9 Studio jadwalnya bulan ini apa aja :) Yess, racun kan ini review. Tapi sumpah gak boong kok, banyak yang bilang bagus di mukaku, kayak nempel dan nyatu sama kulit *bye bye MAC dan highend foundations lain* :p

  3. itu amber rose kirain bakal ngepink banget warnanya... tapi masih kekuningan ya.. langsat gitu... :)
    jadi pengen colek langsung ke konternya dehhh...
    makasih reviewnya..

    main-main ke blogku ya :)

    1. hahaha, biasanya yang ada rose-rose nya begitu sih yaaa? enggak kok ini oke warnanya, lebih ke netral (gak kuning2 amat dan gak nge-pink juga). selamat mencoba ya.

      btw, pls follow me juga ya, nanti aku follback :)


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