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Thursday, August 7, 2014

My 1st Liebster Awards

Hello ladies!

This is my first after-Lebaran post and I am missing this so much after struggling with domestic works and hunting for the new babysitter for my 3 y.o. daughter.

Thanks God everything went well. I am officially back to work today and saw many emails and notifications, no exception a notification from lovely Tori Chu who just nominated me for Liebster Award! Awww, thank you so much dear :)

As you may already knew that Liebster Award is an award to acknowledge and help other blogger with less than 200 followers to gain a larger following and network with other bloggers. It's a typical of chain blog award passed around the blogging community to know each other in a very sweet and fun way.

After being nominated,I should:
  • Answer 11 questions from Tori
  • Mention 11 random facts about me
  • Nominate other fellow bloggers & post 11 questions for them to answer
  • Let the bloggers know that I have nominated them 

Questions that are given to me:

1.  What is your favorite type of post to write & why?

I am quite judgmental so I always love to post about product review, especially if the product has been raved by other beauty bloggers. I simply can't wait to try those product myself :)

2.  What is one lesson you’ve learned since started your blog?

My knowledge about make up has been significantly increased. Other fun experience is to get to know some beauty gurus, make up expert and expand my network with other lovely bloggers.

3.  Who inspires you the most?

I don't have any in particular, but even simple things could inspire me. From a nice decorated rooms to the close up picture of Kim Kardashian. A moment after I was so curious how to contour my face like hers.

4.  What’s the story behind your blog name?

My blog's name is Gleaming Diamante. I love anything sparkle, from diamond to fireworks. And Diamante in Spanish means Diamond, while my original name, Intan, also means Diamond in Bahasa Indonesia.

5.  Korean or Japanese cosmetics?

I prefer Korean because Japanese cosmetics are generally more expensive. Above all, I am a big fan of US cosmetics because I am more comfortable with their color selections and range, because I am not granted with fair and yellowish skin like Korean and Japanese.

6.  Ulzzang or gyaru make up?  

To be honest, I don't understand both, haha. But thanks to Mr. Google, now I can answer this :) I prefer ulzzang because i like to wear natural make up, though, I still rely on foundation instead of BB Cream :)

7.  What is your most favorite K-drama / J-drama? why?

Sorry for being somewhat old, but my first (and only) crush of J-Drama was Tokyo Love Story (it was premiered in 1995, have you even born yet that year?) broadcasted by Indosiar when I was still in elementary school. I don't like K-drama at all, sorry.

8.  If you should travel to somewhere and only one beauty product to bring along with you, what  beauty product will you bring?

My high end foundation, like Hourglass Immaculate Liquid Foundation. It does everything that my face needs :)

9. If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be?

At the moment, President Barack Obama. I would demand him to take action and stop the violence in Gaza.

10.  What are three things you cannot live without?

My make up bag, my handphone and wallet.

11. Who is your special person after your parent?

My only daughter and my husband. I breathe and live for them :)

Random fact of me:
  1. A chocolate addict. Once I pop, I can't stop.
  2. I am a true Aquarian, with contrasting personalities. Beware because I am just too unpredictable, yet it could be surprising and exciting :)
  3. I am 29,5 years old. For bloggers who think I am 21, you are totally wrong :p
  4. I loooove traveling, both as indulgence-seeker and backpacker, but flying still swing my nerves.
  5. I weigh 66 kgs (and still couldn't find a way to lose some), but I swear to God, I was only 50 kgs ten years ago. Marriage and kid have brought me so much joy and fat :D
  6. I can't help to ignore a muted shade of matte lipstick. I feel like 'muted' is my middle name.
  7. Even though I have a pretty good amount of confidence, I am not confident enough to wear bright colors of make up.
  8. I was an academic achiever back then but thanks God I never be a geek. My life has been completely balanced between study, work and fun.
  9. I have been working in 11 different places during 8 years of professional profit and non-profit work. Good or bad? ;)
  10. I love coffee so much. Either as cappuccino, black coffee, mocha, or even in the form of ice cream and body scrub. It smells heavenly.
  11. My most favorite beauty item is Make Up Forever Aqua Rouge in #4 Chestnut. I feel like, it is designed for my lips. My lips never been better :*

Blogs that I nominated:
  1. Aldila Septia (http://allseebee.blogspot.com/)
  2. Penina Yuliana (http://peninayuliana.blogspot.com/)
  3. Sabine Lyla (http://lyl-s.blogspot.com/)
  4. Yuni Usmanda (http://yuniusmanda.blogspot.com/)
  5. Clara Novita (http://www.thepeachbeauty.com/)
  6. Sakura Lisa (http://sakuralisha.blogspot.com)
  7. Vanii Lim (http://knitteddiary.com/)
  8. Felicia Indah Putri (http://theliciouzcorner.blogspot.com/)
  9. Lucy Liu (http://lucyyliu.blogspot.com/)
  10. Lexa (http://imlexa.blogspot.com/)
  11. Sylviana Saputri (http://sparksofdiamond.blogspot.com/)

My Questions:

1.  What is your beauty philosophy?

2.  Which one is your favorite: US brands, Korean products or Japanese?

3.  Who is your favorite actress and why?

4. If you are traveling to the beach and can only bring 1 piece of make up, which item will you pick to accompany you; an Etude BB cream, the Balm's Betty-Lou bronzer, or the Revlon's chubby stick? Explain why.

5.  If you have opportunity to be a professional make up artist, who will be your first customer?

6. What is your favorite soft lenses color?

7. Travel to USA for three days, or a full 10 days in South East Asia?

8. What is your biggest lifetime achievement?

9. What is the most desired quality from a spouse/partner/boyfriend? Explain why.

10. Does money matter more than love?

11. If you are granted with US$ 100,000, what will you do?

And, before it's way too late, I am also posting a family picture from Lebaran last week :) Mind my bad-hair-day. ~xoxo~

Selamat Idul Fitri 1435 H. Mohon maaf lahir batin :)


  1. hey thank you banget ya atas nominasinya !
    akan di buat reviewnya segera..
    thank you berat <3 sukses selalu buat blogmu...

  2. Kakak cantik,,
    Makacih buat nominasinya :)

    review besok ya kak..
    oiya,, follow blog ku donk kak..xoxo


    1. sama-sama sayang...kabari yaaa kalau udah posting. mau liat :)

  3. Thank u so much kak Intan ^^
    it was an honor hehe
    di tunggu post selanjutnya ya kak :D

    God bless ^^


    1. you're welcome dear :) sukses ngeblogging nya yaaaa


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