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Monday, March 17, 2014

Cindy-Lou and Mary-Lou; the Great Luminizer Combo from TheBalm


Let me introduce you to the most wanted girls named Mary-Lou and Cindy-Lou. They are the highlighters from TheBalm. I have to tell you that I am deeply and totally in love with them BOTH!

I was introduced to Mary-Lou from one of my cousins (actually I saw it already at TheBalm counter in Plaza Senayan yet I was being so ignorant about highlighters). I thought, how would I need a highlighters on my face. Doesn't it just accentuate my gigantic pores and imperfections?

The answer is NO. These highlighters are just very pigmented. They make you glow but not glittery. They do not accentuate large pores, even somehow could diffuse the texture of your skin and make it look polished. Just a tiny amount, and you're all set. Are they that magical?


Mary-Loumanizer is exactly reflects its name as luminizer. It has champagne, subtle gold color that will be great to be applied in your upper cheek bone and brow bone. It gives you something to get everyone's attention, if you use it in the right amount. Mary-Lou can be wearable during the day, but it looks better to wear at night. Works better if combined with bronzer, and of course, suitable from the lighter skin (they can use it on eyelid as well to create no-makeup eye make up) to darker skin. I've never seen a highlighter that is so subtle and blendable like this before in my life!

I bought mine as one of my self birthday present on January. I love, super love, that it has a large mirror in the packaging, the mirror is even better than my MAC compact powder. One night when my daughter had tantrum (you may have to check what tantrum is on google, if you're still single, it's hard to explain :p), she kicked everything around her and voila, my one-month-baby Mary-Lou was dropped onto floor and broken into pieces. Seriously.

So I found that the packaging, though it looks sturdy, but fragile :( One minus, I guess. I moved it to the small jar, at least, instead of bringing the broken one because it would be so messy. I am so sad, yet suddenly I saw this newest baby on.

My score is 4.1 out of 5.0 for Mary-Lou :)


It comes as a surprise, when I was really disappointed because my Mary-Lou compact must be rest in peace at home, I found the other version of Mary-Lou, named Cindy-Loumanizer. And it's corally dusty pink. At first minute, I was thinking that buying this could relieve my broken Mary-Lou :)

And it turns out to be my new favorite, as I can use it as BLUSH ON instead of just a highlighter. Perfect! Even if I use it on my cheeks, it's barely noticeable, only a slight pinky peach flush with subtle glow. Wearable in office hours, I guarantee :)

My score for Cindy-Lou is 4.0 out of 5.0

Below I compare my look with Cindy-Lou and Mary-Lou:

With Cindy-Lou on both cheeks. See the glowing pink flush?
With Mary-Lou as highlighter, on top of MAC Blush in Aquaerotique

If I had to choose, I would definitely choose BOTH!


  1. ahh ini msih dlm whishlist aq :')

    follback GFC aq yah kak ^^
    salam kenal

    1. halo Vera, soriii baru ngeh ada comment di post lama, hehe...kalau aku personally lebih suka Mary Lou karena lebih versatile. Nanti aku follback yaa :)

    2. Makasih kak :D

      Aq jg bru ngeh udah dibalas lama bngt hihihi


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