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Monday, May 5, 2014

Review: TheBalm Shelter Tinted Moisturizer in Medium

Hello, beauties!

Another review from TheBalm today, don't get bored, since I've been reviewing TheBalm so often lately. Yes, I'm currently a fan! None of their products I found disappointing, even a little, until I tried out its well-known tinted moisturizer (TM): TheBalm Shelter.

I have been eye-ing this TM since months ago. As I have typical of super oily skin (especially during summer like now!), I used to avoid myself using TM. TM is usually good for drier skin, and for someone who doesn't like to apply heavy make up daily. As for myself, without intention to get the heavy make up, I always pick the foundation which provides long-lasting and matte finish. My HG for drugstore in Revlon Colorstay Liquid Foundation shade True Beige and MAC Studio Fix Fluid NW30 for high-end. BUT, I have a big 'BUT' here. As I am now under dermatologist's medication (oh how I hate to comeback!!), she would strongly recommend me to use TM instead of foundation because TM's consistency is much thinner to let the skin breath.

So, with all my pleasure, I purchased this TM, hoping that all good reviews and raves in neighbor's blogs are true and accurate. To make sure to which shade I belong, I went to its counter at Debenhams and the BA said that my shade is Medium. Heard from the beauty bloggers that TheBalm Shelter has darker types of shades, I was thinking to buy myself the Light/Medium, but suddenly afraid of having my face with ghostly effect. Nay!

It's longer than my palm!

TheBalm describes this as:

"This weightless, silky-smooth tinted moisturizer with SPF 18 offers sun protection for everyday drama while helping to improve the look of your skin’s tone and texture, leaving you with a polished complexion."

My take after using this product:
  1. COVERAGE is light to medium. It's great to even out skin tone, but not to cover acne scars or old blemishes. You definitely still need concealer.
  2. CONSISTENCY is one of my likings. It's thick, not runny. A little goes along the way.
  3. SHADES are only available in 3 (three) here, unlike in USA where they have 7 shades. The color is more beige-y than yellow-ish. For you who have fair(er) skin and used to love using BB cream the colors might a little bit too dark. You may choose the 'Light' one, because even 'Medium' doesn't match my medium-tan complexion. Since I have neutral undertone, I had to apply concealer with yellow-er shade to balance out the beige-y tone.
  4. PRICE is not that cheap, originally sold for USD 25. Not a budget-typed of TM, but since they have 64 ml of product (it's even more than Etude Bright Fit BB Cream), the amount is worth the price.
  5. LONG LASTING or not? It depends on the weather, I assume. Sometimes in Jakarta's current humid summer days, foundation with matte effect and long lasting promise is preferable. But again, as TM, this one would stay for around 4-5 hours. Not so bad.
  6. PACKAGING is the winner! Even the tube is very sleek, soft, weight-less and travel friendly. I love it!
  7. INGREDIENTS is paraben-free! That's why I fall in love with TheBalm products <3
  8. OVERALL score is 3,9 our of 5,0. It's not a bad product, but maybe because I have been too impressed with my HG foundations, so this TM is not comparable. However, if you are looking for natural look, dewy finish and healthy glow face, this one is the answer.
No filter, no edit, just using self-focus and natural sunlight
Products I used: 
Base: TheBalm Shelter Tinted Moisturizer in Medium, Inez Corrective Cream in Dark, TonyMoly Dear Me Petite Pact in Natural Beige.
Eyes: Maxfactor Smoky Eyes Effect Eyeshadow in Purple Dust, Maxfactor Wild Shadow Pots in Ferocious Black, Silkygirl Gel Liner in Brown, L'oreal Telescopic Mascara in Carbon Black.
Cheeks: MAC Extra Dimension Blush in Autoerotique, TheBalm CindyLou
Lips: Stila All Day Liquid Lipstick in Dolce 

See ya later in my next review! ~xoxo~


  1. wah kemarin aku cm beli lip gloss sm concealer the balm hehe abis mehong siiy :)
    beb folbek yah http://beautydiarykania.blogspot.com/

    1. Hai Kania, aku udah liat posting2an mu di blog, ya, seruuu! Suami suka fotografi ya? Aduh, senangnya :) Btw, iya ini lumayan harganya di counter. Aku kemarin beli di id.strawberrynet.com, pas all make up diskon 10%. Lumayan! ;)

    2. iya suami yg sering fotoin klo yg hasilnya kurang ok berarti foto dr hp gw yah hehe lg cari foundi yg full coverage niy dan pastinya tahan banting hehe antara shu eumura face architec, lancome yg kmrn br launching or estee lauder double wear yah hihi

    3. Kania, check this out deh http://id.strawberrynet.com/makeup/estee-lauder/double-wear-stay-in-place-makeup/167857/#DETAIL Kayaknya warnanya masih masuk ke mukamu :)

      Kalau aku sih sukanya sama MAC daripada Estee, entah kenapa, Estee berasa lebih berat. Kalau Shu Uemura mehong bangettt, hehe. Lancome kemaren oke tuh, biar mahal tapi sekalian ada concealer-nya :) Happy hunting ya!

  2. waaahh tau bagus kemaren beli ini aja, kmaren uda mau beli, cuma jadinya beli prime nya aja >_<
    btw ada free makeup class nih dari istiarina putri, terbatas 10org doang, buruan daftar kalo minat hehehe cek langsung di fb nya yap https://www.facebook.com/istiarinaputri?fref=ufi
    (mau nge line cuma aku ngga punya line mu >_<)

    1. gak pake line sayaaang :p mau dong didaftarin, untuk kapan ya? aku coba buka FB nya lemoot banget sinyalnya. aku masih di jalan otw home :(


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