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Monday, June 23, 2014

MAC Studio Finish Concealer and My Eye's Prodigy

When I was given a IDR 400,000 MAP voucher from my Dad last week, there was nothing else in my mind except hunting for a concealer :D

Yes, I have been sort of like a zombie in these past few months. My daughter's extremely active and never fell asleep before midnight. Apparently, I am one of unlucky commuters in eastern part of Jakarta who has to wake up so early not to get caught in the bloody traffic jam. Thus, I can't tell you exactly how the free radicals' giving contribution to create the large dark circles under my eyes. Laaarge, I really mean it.

So far, for the rest of my life, I have never keen enough to buy an expensive concealer, as I was pretty happy with my VOV Cover Foundation in pot which I used as concealer after putting base and before applying powder. Too bad, my skin is tad lighter now and the VOV only comes in two shades -- the one that I had was very dark, and the other one is way too pink which I think would clash to my original skin tone. Moreover, the dark circles under eye are better to get eliminated by a salmon-like color. Speaking about color selections, my choice always goes to MAC. Their color range is just heavenly completed and matches to any skin tone.

So, here's my MAC Stucio Finish concealer. I initially wanted to buy the Pro Longwear Liquid Concealer because I demand for a long-lasting one. But, the shade that I am looking for; NC 35, was not available and I ended up buying the Studio Finish that comes in a small pot.

I am sorry for my grainy picture, as I was taking this under room low light :( 

NC35 in MAC is suitable for medium skin with yellow undertone. It's a lot different with NC30, even though it has a close numbering. NC35 appears a lot darker and more neutral. The color matches me perfectly, especially to cover my puffy eyes without looking too bright. It looks so natural.

The texture of this concealer is quite creamy. At least, if I compare with Laura Mercier Undercover Concealer, MAC is easier to blend. It provides a good coverage, I say medium and build-able. It doesn't cake or fade easily, but I have to be careful not to rub this off whenever I wash my face with water before praying. The price is quite expensive for a concealer, but a little goes along the way.

My overall score is 4.0/5.0

Here you see how good it covers my dark circles and fine lines under my eyes:

I love this product and will definitely finish this until the last swipe. Oh, MAC, how could you never failed on me? :)

My panda eyes disappeared easily. But, this only lasts for maximum 6 hours. After that, I need to retouch a little to keep my eyes look fresh.

See you in the next review! ~xoxo~


  1. The coverage looks kinda good! Thank you for reviewing it~ Btw, I like how you do your eyeliner~ ;)


    1. hi Gabby, thanks! The coverage is indeed good, but still natural. not heavy. and i made the double tails eyeliner just to make a bigger-eye accent. my eyes are too small with narrow lid :( anyway, thanks for visiting my blog!

  2. ini untuk dark spot only? atau full coverage ya?
    harganya berapa ya?
    nice review btw !;)

    1. Halo Maria, ini harganya 240 ribu, ukurannya kayak single eyeshadow. Kalau untuk full coverage kayaknya sayang ya :) hehehe...kalau aku sih mainly focus ke under eye aja, sama acne marks yang gak tertutup dengan foundation aja.


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