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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Make Up Forever Aqua Rouge in Chesnut and Brown Beige; A Stain That Lasts Forever

I didn’t like wearing lipstick. Everytime I eat, the lipstick would be faded. So unpretty. Even sometimes it’s just gone with the wind because the staying power is too weak. Especially those moisturizing lipstick; they moistured, sit for few minutes, then went away with no trace.
Early this year, a friend of mine was asking me to be her beauty advisor. She wanted to have fuchsia color for lipstick. I made a research to find the good one, and I accidentally found that MUFE Rouge Artist Intense has a really bright and nice fuchsia. I pick that one for her and she loved it. As my research continued, I found another range of MUFE lipstick that claims to stay all day on lips. It is actually not a lipstick, but more like lip gloss with double sides; the lipstain and clear gloss. I looked at the color selection, and fell in love with Chesnut. Not pretty sure about the texture, I blindly asked my friend to buy it in Sephora. It costs me US$ 24 and it turned out to be my best lipstick of all time.



Chesnut is a beige color with warm undertone. Not nude, not pink, not orange. Not chocolate. Just perfect. Though the color is kind of MLBB (my lips but better), it can cover fine lines and being true to its claim, it stays at least 8 hours on my lips!

Chesnut suddenly became to-go-lipstick and it took 3 months for me to finish it. Pretty fast, eh? You will see how Chesnut look when applied on my lips (sorry I didn’t manage to make a selfie, so this was a picture with my 2 y.o. daughter when whe were in Uluwatu, Bali).



When I was traveling to Padang, my friend was in Plaza Senayan and she told me that MUFE was on big sale. I was asking her to look for the new Chesnut but it sold out. She said there was Brown Beige left that looks pretty similar to Chesnut. I thought to give it a try, since the price is relatively cheap IDR 150,000 when on sale, compare to IDR 330,000 at normal retail price in Indonesia.

While in fact, Brown Beige is not that similar to Chesnut. Brown Beige is much more brown, and it turns out to be dark plum on my lips. I like this color too, though not as much as I adore Chesnut. The good thing is this color is suitable for a vampy look, with minimalist eye and cheek make up. While Chesnut can be combined with bold eyes and medium face contour because it would not clash other colors.

My rating for MUFE Aqua Rouge in general is 4.2/5.0

These really work well for me, as I hate reapplying lipstick during the day. In the afternoon, even after lunch, the color still stay, lighter, but still leaves beautiful stain that everyone could notice. The texture is similar to Nyx Soft Matte Lip Cream, but three times better. For high end category, this will always be my favorite, and I am thinking to buy some more shades such as Pink #15 and Raspberry #10. BUT, if your lips tend to dry even in hot summer season, stay away from this as it will make it worse. Since I am fan of matte lipstick, I don’t mind with this drying effect. It can be reduced by reapplying the clear gloss as top coat. ~xoxo~

Aqua Rouge #5 Brown Beige with and without clear gloss

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